i had 5 pieces in the show. 3 of the 5 sold on opening night, so i am super stoked on that. it is the first time i have had a piece sell on the opening night (or during the preview) of a show, so i must be doing something right. the first one (The Birth) is the original drawing for the ava shirt. the 2 remaining from the set of 5 that are still available for purchase are "The Birth" and "A Family Photo". If you are interested in owning either of them, please contact Katie at Gallery 1988SF at gallery1988sf@gmail.com
here are the 5 pieces i had in the show. please make sure to click on the pictures so they open up nice and big in their correct sizes.
Title: The Birth
Medium: Pen and Ink on watercolor paper
Size of artwork: 9.5" x 12.5"
Size of frame: 11" x 14"
Price: $156
Title: All Fishermen Are Liars
Medium: Pen and Ink & Acrylic Paint on watercolor paper
Size of artwork: 8" x 14"
Size of frame: 8" x 14"
Price: SOLD
Title: A Family Photo
Medium: Pen and Ink & Acrylic Paint on watercolor paper
Size of artwork: 9.5" x 12.5"
Size of frame: 11" x 14"
Price: $206
Title: The Separation
Medium: Pen and Ink & Acrylic Paint on watercolor paper
Size of artwork: 8" x 14"
Size of frame: 8" x 14"
Price: SOLD
Title: True Knowledge Lies Within
Medium: Pen and Ink & Acrylic Paint on watercolor paper
Size of artwork: 9.5" x 12.5"
Size of frame: 11" x 14"
Price: SOLD
ok, now onto one more fun thing. as stated in a previous post, i did a t-shirt design for the company 70*7 to benefit the wish for ava charity. pictures of the shirt and a link will be at the bottom of this post to refresh your memories.
now, i have worked it out with the company that for every shirt that someone buys, their name will be entered into a raffle. one shirt = one entry, five shirts = five entries. i am asking that the company (70*7) hold the raffle and pull one winning name.
what will the winner get, you ask? original artwork from me. i will do up a nicely detailed pen and ink drawing with a soft acrylic color wash over it framed up all nicey nice in a frame. the size of the drawing will be somewhere in the 8" x 10" range. it will be in the same style as the colorful ones at the beginning of this post. i am heavily booked, so i only ask for about 3 months to be able to complete the drawing (and give the winner the devoted time and effort that they deserve). i am excited for this raffle, and i hope that you are too.
now here is the info for the shirt:
this is a limited run of only 70 shirts. it is up for sale and now available thru 70*7
the price of the shirt is $30. half of the proceeds ($15 per shirt) go to the awishforava charity. the charity money will be used to help out ava's parents with medical bills and to go towards research for neuroblastoma.
it's a bit hard to get the full vibe on the design on the site, so here it is in it's original format:

and here is some guy i don't know wearing the shirt:
enjoy. and good luck to you all,